Coming Features
Hopefully, not in the too-distant future, I want to add a lot of features. I began working on on June 10, 2023. The first live release was on June 23, 2023.
Increasingly "Mobile Friendly"
Still some tweaking to make it more useful on mobile.
§ 97.303 Frequency sharing requirements
On the U.S. Amateur Radio Band Plan, there are "Sharing" references. I want to show the text from the 97.303 regulations when hovering over those references.
§ 97.305 Authorized emission types
Integrate the emission types into the table, probably through hover or clicking on a row to get details for that band.
SDR Band Plans & More Countries
I began working on this website when looking at how Band Plans work in SDR (Software Defined Radio). In KN1E's SDR-Band-Plans software, Arrin Clark provides several international band plans.
SDR Band Plan Converter
My first project was to create a converter between AirSpy's SDR# software and the SDR++ software. I'll be submitting the converter code to KN1E to package with his SDR Band Plans.
I'll also create a service here where users can drop a file and have it converted between SDR++ and SDR# formats. (Please let me know what other SDR formats are out there.)
AARL Band Plan
I plan on integrating the AARL Band Plan into the current "regulation" Part 97 Bands. The AARL says, "A band plan refers to a voluntary division of a band to avoid interference between incompatible modes."
Pretty Color Bars
There's a lot to be said for the visual presentation such as in the downloadable icom Band Plan.
Adding a page of useful resources is also a plan. I know there are many sources of great helps. I hope to consolidate and reference those to help others find them.